Who is the greater sinner? The Thief Or Victim?
The greatest sinner is not the one who stole but the one whose items were stolen..
Because the thief sins only one time, because he stole.
The person that was stolen from sins many times, because he/she accuses many people without really knowing who stole from them.
La persona que peqa mas, no es el que robo. Es la persona que le robaron.. . La person que robo, peca solamenta una ves. Porque robo.
Pero la persona que le robaron, Peqa muncho mas, por que esa pesona acousa varias persons. Sin saver quien le robo.
A quote from my grandmother. Ciria, V. Garza Born 1921.... And still living at the age of 89
Very wise words. Like fine wine my Grandmother gets better and wiser with age.